You’ve recovered from your Halloween weekend hang-over, so why haven’t you submitted for Ignite Phoenix After Hours yet? I don’t want to hear your excuses. I will not accept things like a) “I still can’t find the finger I cut off while pumpkin-carving,†b) “I spilled Witches’ Brew on my computer, and now, it just makes a cackling noise,†or c) “I’m more scared of public speaking than that trick-or-treater who looked heinously similar to Justin Bieber.†No, no, excuses will not do.
After all, other people have already submitted their presentation ideas. So far, topics range from porn to not being Mexican enough, asthma to drunk-driving. Head over to the Speak page and read all about it. There’s plenty of sex and drugs, but we want even more variety!! Think BIG! Think WILD! I know you have an edgy idea in the transoms of your subconscious. Set that idea free! (Freud would have it no other way.) Be brave today. Submit your presentation idea. You only have until next Tuesday, November 9. Shake off that Halloween hang-over. Dust off your public speakin’ shoes. Get ready for Ignite Phoenix After Hours.
And did I mention tickets sales? Tickets go on sale THIS FRIDAY, November 5, at NOON! Drop everything (no one really works on Friday anyway), and head to the Attend page for your chance to party with the edgy Phoenix crowd at IPAH #1. Keep in mind, this is not gonna be a massive to-do. This is going to be much smaller than the Ignite Phoenix you’re used to. We want it cozy, comfortable, and crrrrrazy at our inaugural event. Trust me, you don’t want to miss it. All the cool people are doing it.