Are you excited? Because I’m excited. In a week and a half, I get to learn all about the c-word (yeah, THAT c-word), rectal misfortunes, the history of boobs, and so much more. This is exciting stuff. However, let’s not forget why we’re really here.
We created Ignite Phoenix After Hours to be no-limit with no boundaries. That means 21 and up. It means dropping the f-bomb. Talking about sex in public. Cussing as much as you want and being as inappropriate as you’d like. But we are not here for shock value alone. We’re not here for gratuitous naughtiness. We’re here because we believe there has to be a sounding board for the edgy side of Phoenix—a sounding board that, until December 3rd, has been empty.
The Valley of the Sun is a varied population. Many of us care about design, art, writing, video games … the list goes on and on. But where some people are white bread, others are burnt toast. And what the heck are the burnt toast people supposed to do? Hide in the shadows, like cultural vampires? I say NO! The edgy folk have a right to share their passions, too, but Ignite Phoenix just wasn’t the appropriate place. Ignite Phoenix After Hours is the appropriate place, and yeah, we’re excited.
You should be, too. Although you’ll probably see a lot of familiar faces at IPAH next Friday, it’s likely to reach a new demographic, as well—a demographic as yet unreached by Ignite Phoenix. If nothing else, you will see a different side of the people you know and possibly work with.
Maybe you’ll find a different side of yourself, too. Maybe you’ll realize you really like Lenny Bruce. Maybe you’ll get to town on those oft neglected kegel muscles. Maybe you’ll give up online dating … or maybe you’ll create a sexy profile the following day!
I dunno what to expect next Friday, beyond giddy, irrepressible excitement. I’ll see you there. Feel free to bust out the Jim Morrison-esque leather pants. Or maybe that bustier you’ve been saving for just the right occasion.